Lexington Irish Dancers

Lexington Irish Dancers is a non-competitive performance group based out of Lexington Kentucky. The group was formed in April 1996, and has performed at venues ranging from local fairs and festivals, to appearances with the Lexington Philharmonic Orchestra at Picnic with the Pops, and out of town venues. They have also danced for occasions such as 4-H camps, weddings, and local restaurants and pubs.

The Lexington Irish Dancers offer several classes in Irish Step Dancing.

Beginner classes are offered to children, 6 and over, and adults in the fall. The beginner’s classes will focus on the fundamental skills of soft-shoe dancing, as well as learning several ceili dances which are best described as “Irish square dancing” or social dancing.

Advanced step dancing is offered to those with at least 1 year of Irish step-dancing instruction. It will combine both soft and hard-shoe dancing as well as choreographies for public performances.

If you need additional information please contact Tara Keegan at 859/608-6209 or Lesa Palmer at 859/588-8693 or visit our website.

The McTeggart Irish Dancers

The McTeggart School of Irish Dance is the first certified Irish dance school in central Kentucky.

The school’s mission is to build healthy bodies through traditional Irish dance, cultivate confident spirits through accomplishment and foster a sense of heritage through cultural enrichment and community service.

They hold classes several days a week at the McTeggart Irish Dance Studio, 3519 Lansdowne Drive. Irish dancing is for everyone! We have class opportunities for students ages 5 to adult. Please register for these at our website.

The McTeggart School loves to perform! Dancers have performed with The Chieftains and Friends as part of the Alltech Haitian Harmony Concert, the World Equestrian Games, Spotlight Lexington Festival, Singletary Center for the Arts, wedding receptions, schools, festivals and nursing homes. For a list of upcoming performances or to book a McTeggart performance, please visit our website.

Bluegrass Ceili Academy

Founded in Lexington in 2015, the Bluegrass Ceili Academy brings more than a decade of Irish dance teaching experience and ceili expertise to Central Kentucky.  Academy director and fifth generation Lexingtonian Megan Moloney learned Irish dance as an adult, proving that it isn’t just an activity for children. It’s a perspective she brings to her teaching style – pairing the fun of learning dance, with the thrill of performing and competing.

Megan studied Irish dance with the Culkin School in the Washington, D.C., area, began teaching adult students and teams more than a decade ago, and achieved TMRF certification with the Irish dancing commission in 2010. Since 2004, the adult teams Megan has coached have won 23 regional championship ceili titles and, in 2009, the North American national championship. In addition to teaching and competing, Megan has danced — and had her choreography performed — across the nation’s capital, including at the Kennedy Center, Strathmore, the Annapolis Irish Festival and Shamrockfest.

Megan was also a dancer with the New Century American Irish Arts Company and her favorite performances include dancing onstage with Carbon Leaf and Scythian.  Megan also serves as vice president of the Bluegrass Irish Society and communications director for the Lexington St. Patrick’s Day Parade and Festival.  You can learn more about the Bluegrass Ceili Academy by visiting their website.